Sunday, June 5, 2011

Praha, Little Germany?

The most amazing Astronomical Clock....

The Lennon Wall

    Last weekend we were able to go to Prague for an amazing two, but much too short days. We took a three hour free tour of the city and found out that although the Nazis occupied Prague, they left the city mainly intact because it reminded Hitler of Germany. Because of this, there were a ton of old fascinating buildings throughout the city center, including the much over hyped Astronomical Clock in one of the main squares. 
    While most of our trip consisted of site seeing, we did come away with one "crazy" story from it. The first night at our hostel we met two guys from the states who we thought we decently cool/normal. The next night they went on a bar crawl and came back pretty intoxicated. Meghan, my roommate, woke up to one them inched up to the side of the top bunk and peeing off the side, right next to where my face was and everyones' phone and computer chargers. She started yelling at him and woke up everyone in the room, and then they all started freaking out too. I was lucky to not get peed on, but everyone else didn't fare as well. In the end, we didn't leave with those boys' information to contact them again.

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